Please answer the following eight questions to find out.
Your initiative makes a difference to the lives of people in vulnerable situations in the Netherlands or West Africa. You make a positive impact; we help you achieve and amplify that impact.
Everything we do is aimed at making your initiative succeed and amplifying its impact. We will share our knowledge, our network and our experience with you. And we will provide you with solicited and unsolicited advice and, of course, offer you financial support. Together, we will maximise your social impact.

Trusted sounding board
Consider us your trusted, professional sounding board. Together, we will explore whether and how we can improve your initiative’s effectiveness and bring it to the point where it can stand on its own two feet. We will offer constructive feedback on your desired impact, your organisation and its financial sustainability.
Financial and non-financial support
Just like you, our goal is to achieve maximum social impact. That means we will not only offer your initiative a loan, a grant or a combination of the two, but we will also provide you with non-financial support. Our experienced experts will share best practices with you and help you tackle complex issues, strengthen your organisational structure and expand your network. This way, your initiative will eventually outgrow the need for our support, allowing us to help even more people in vulnerable situations.
Step 1. Quick scan
Are you seeking support for your initiative? Perform our quick scan to find out whether your initiative is eligible to apply for our support.
Perform a quick scan for the Netherlands Perform a quick scan for West Africa
Step 2. Application
If the quick scan confirms we are a potential match, you can submit your application below.
Step 3. Application review process
Our portfolio managers will notify you whether we wish to proceed with your application. This decision will be taken within a few weeks from the date of your application. We will then need between four and six months to process your application and will keep in touch throughout this period. We believe that a successful relationship begins with getting to know each other and discussing what goals you want to achieve, how you want to reach them and when you want to achieve them.
Our support comes with certain conditions. Together, we will define your goals so that we can measure your progress and adjust the approach or offer additional support, if necessary. This strategy is the foundation for a flexible and transparent partnership built on mutual trust.
We will first determine whether your application aligns with our vision, focus and criteria.
We will then analyse how your initiative can (eventually) create social impact in a financially sustainable way.
We will grant you our support and enter into a partnership, possibly lasting several years. We will work together closely and provide your initiative with financial and non-financial support.